
Welcome to the new website of Holly Scott, former 2-star Parelli Professional based in Bend, Oregon. My recent decision to branch off on my own to teach horsemanship has been fueled by my desire to gain a deeper understanding of horses through their physiology, herd dynamics and what some call the “super woo”.

For many years I have often wondered how the natural world delicately and harmoniously intertwines with itself. Watching flocks of starlings dance in the sky, seeing migration patterns of butterflies or great white sharks mapped with incredible detail and watching a herd of horses communicate with nothing but a glance I have found myself questioning everything I have learned yearning to know MORE.

My path has led me to Warwick Schiller and his recent personal deep-dive into this realm. I am putting this into practice with many horses including those with trauma and those with severe relationship issues with humans. Paired with my already tried and true knowledge of horses gained from Pat and Linda Parelli, I feel I have finally found my niche in this saturated industry. So many people can train a horse to do something but my dream has always been to get it because the horse wants to be a part of it all with me.

I hope you will find what I can offer is something not easily learned from a DVD or YouTube video but something only detectable between you and your horse. I say to students, “it is YOUR journey” and mean it – what you create with your horse is personal. I hope to enhance it by removing unclear communication, improving your timing and focus and making working with your horse fun again.

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